Saturday, February 13, 2010

UFO Sighting

London, Feb 13: Suspected case of encountering a UFO, left a man with a sprained ankle in Exmouth, Devon.

Buzz up!
58-year-old Roy Shaw, claimed of twisting his ankle as he tried to flee for home with his border, collie after seeing the spacecraft.

Speaking about his encounter with the spaceship, Shaw, a retired engineer said that he had seen a 100ft spaceship, with blue and red lights flashing round it, hovering over a park at 10pm, while taking his dog, Sydney for a walk.

He added that the circular craft landed next to a bowling green, and a spooky white shape emerged and began gliding towards him and his dog.

"Sydney growled as this shape began to come towards us and we both legged it. I can't believe what I saw," he was quoted in a newspaper report.

Shaw said that the spaceship, also seen by a fellow dog walker, later shot off at a 45-degree angle.

"This is a really important sighting," Devon-based UFO expert Nigel Wright said.

OneIndia News

1 comment:

billy pilgrim said...

now that everyone is walking around with cell phone cameras and camcorders i figured we'd be up to our arses in space ship pictures.